Keep your organization contact information up to date and don't let a potential business pass you by. Please use this form only if you are updating your existing information. For new users to register your company Click Here
Which additional category or categories would you like to be listed under?
Which category or categories would you
like to be removed from?
Example: Remove (Export: livestock)
Contact information change: if your current contact information is Okay Skip
number (1),
(2) and only complete (3).
Please write down your organization contact information as it appears on
Company Name |
Tel |
Cell |
Fax |
Address |
City |
P.O. Box |
Country |
Website URL |
Please write down the your New organization contact information as you
Company Name |
Tel |
Cell |
Fax |
Address |
City |
P.O. Box |
Country |
Website URL |
We request the contact information of the person that has completed
*Full Name *Title *Organization Name *Work Phone * (Require Information)
If you have additional request to make, let us know.
If EthioMarket finds out that you have included your organization in a category or categories that you have no business activity. EthioMarket reserve the right to remove your company information complete from our website. Therefore please make sure you are accurate with the information you submit.
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