Background  |  Current Status  |  Bidding for an Enterprise  |

Privatization Preparation  |  Property Claims

Privatization Preparation

The enterprises to be privatized are divided into tranches with each tranche further divided into lots/sectors. This grouping has been used to categorize enterprises with similar characteristics into a lot/sector and then to a tranche.

All enterprises incorporated in Tranches 1 & 2 are prepared and ready for sale. The 3 companies operating in the tea sector and mentioned above have been privatized and the following companies in Tranch 1 have been given out on management contract to various foreign operators :

   Awassa Textile Share Company
   Kombolcha Textile Share Company
   Arba Minch Textile Share Company
International Consultants including Ernst & Young and KPMG have started the study fot transformation, valuation and divestiture documentation of 22 state-owned enterprises slated for privatization in Tranche 3. It may be noted that the tenders for companies operating in the beverage sector included in Tranche 1 was recently closed and the bids of potential investors is in the process of being evaluated.
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